Cleaner Solutions

Cleaner Solutions

label for vets animals

Safe for Pets

Safe for Environments


HOCL Solutions LLC provides healthy state of the art alternatives utilizing electrolyzed water and salt to disinfect, sanitize, clean, and deodorize individual consumers, pets, homes, schools, hospitals, and every type of business. This includes devices that will work whether in home or office or on the go, with products that contain no harmful chemicals.

HOCL is Hypochlorous Acid
HOCL Consist of water, salt, and electricity. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in electrolyzed water and salt. It works by attracting the negative ions of bacteria and viruses to the positive ions of HOCL.

Your white blood cells produce HOCL to help you fight bacteria and viruses in your body.


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The Green Facts


Highly Effective

Your Home

100% Safe


Safe For Pets


The New Generation of Disinfectans & Sanitizer for everday uses. Helping you breath easy and made with natural ingredients...

Efficacy test has been performed against micoorganism, & the CFU/ml that remained in the 15 second contact time...

Presentation brings knowledge together through research & testing. Demonstarting effectiveness agains viruses similar to COVID-19 on hard nonporous surfaces...

RX Add some content for this type of brochure for visitors to download and view and get educated.

Alcohol is toxic and has negative side effects. HOCL is non irriating and non-sensitizing to all intact skin and minor wounds....

The Green Benefits

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Cleaner Air

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Cleaner Air

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Living a Cleaner Life

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Energy Efficient

Products for All Aspects of Life

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Your Business needs to be clean as many partners are coming through....

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Your Home needs to be 100% disinfected …

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Are You Detailing Vehicles, RV's, Or Buses....

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